1 Watch Your Tongue. Do not nag
your man, do not talk down to your man, and do not holler at your man. You, as
his woman, are there to uplift your man and speak to him in a manner that
brings out the king in him. Speak like you want to be spoken to but better.
2. Trust. I won’t get into this too much because we are all aware of the
importance of trust. If you don’t have trust, you really don’t have a
relationship, just two people holding each other hostage.
3. Remember that He Isn’t Psychic. Men can’t read minds no matter how long
you’ve been together so we should stop expecting them to just know what to do
to fix an issue of which he also has no clue. Men are wired so differently from
us so we have to stop expecting them to be mind readers and simply tell them
what’s on our minds but in a constructive, non-judgmental, finger pointing,
snappy kind of way.
4. Forgive AND Forget. Nip problems in the bud and then forgive him to
avoid resentment. Don’t just say you forgive him and then keep it as ammunition
to fire off as you so please. Forgive him completely (if forgiveness is what
you agreed to do) and let it go.
5. Stay In Your Financial Lane. If the two of you have set a budget
together, respect it and him. You do not want to put your family into any
financial hardship because of a shoe and purse fetish, which I do have so I am
no stranger to this weakness.
6. QT with Your QT. Spend emotional and quality time together. Be sure to
laugh and have fun. What is more romantic than being able to play, laugh, and
have fun with your partner? Men don’t want an uptight, stuffy woman, they want
one that can kick back and have some fun too. Something as simple as a trip to
the video arcade to battle it out in air
hockey or a nice picnic on the floor in the middle of your living room
can strengthen your love for one another and create romantic memories to
7. Avoid Monotony at All Costs. Everyday life of work, kids, dinner, bed,
will eventually drive any person insane. Mix it up and do something new with
each other.
8. Never Use Sex as a Weapon. It’s not right to withhold sex from your mate
because you are upset, especially for an extended amount of time which
sometimes leads to emotional and/or physical infidelity. Work it out and have
amazing make-up sex. (*Side note: Angry Sex is also very hot, just sayin…)
9. Love Him Selflessly Without Losing Thyself. It is very possible to love
and be giving to your man without looking for something in return…and without
neglecting your own needs. You do not want to give so much time, energy, money,
and whatever else you give to your man that you are neglecting to give yourself
and your own life time, energy, money, etc.
10. Stay Actively Involved in Your relationship. A relationship left
unattended is a relationship destined to fail. Continue looking for ways to
improve to your communication, lovemaking, etc. to ensure that your
relationship remains as loving as the first day you met. Make sure that you are
giving your relationship the attention it deserves every day.
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