
Things To Do To Keep Your Relationship Alive

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Suggest Something to Do That Means Something Special To Your Partner

If you know how your partner feels about things then you can use those things to convey how you feel about your partner.

Every one of us associates words and memories with emotions. Good word and good memories correspond to good emotions – it’s as simple as that.

Good emotions around or towards our partners can make us feel more attracted or connected to our partner, so if you are the one making your partner feel good then you can bet your partner will feel good towards you as well.

If your partner associates the beach with the happiest moment of their life, and you suggest going to the beach, then they are going to feel good about you. Their happiness will instantly come to life when you mention the beach and that emotion will pass on to how they feel about you. See how that works?

Task: What is special to your partner? What makes them giddy and excited and feel good? If they like watching a certain TV show then suggest that you watch it. Even if it’s something as simple as going to bed and cuddling before your fall asleep may be enough to make your partner feel good about you. Just make sure it’s THEIR favorite thing and not yours.

Say Something to Your Partner That They REALLY Want To Hear

There are many times in a relationship when we don’t compliment or praise our partner when we should. We may avoid doing it because of our ego or pride, or we may avoid doing it because we are feeling selfish.

You’ve probably done this.

It’s when your partner is proud of something in their lives and is fishing for a positive statement from you but all you give them is a look, or worse – you say something negative instead of positive.

For example, maybe you went bowling and they bowled a perfect game and you were pissed off that you lost so instead of making them feel good you tried to make them feel bad for winning. How does this help your relationship?

It doesn’t.

When you withhold compliments or praise because of your ego or pride then you are missing an opportunity to really make your partner feel good about themselves and about you. You can only win from making your partner feel good.

Task: The next time you see an opportunity today to make them feel good, take it, even if it means making them look better than you in some way. Don’t pass by the opportunity to make them feel good and bring your relationship closer because of your pride or ego.

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