

Image result for the components of a healthy lifestyle
Ok, it's time to buckle up and hold on to your hat! I'm going to show you the do's and don'ts for achieving a healthy lifestyle.

This section is looong and it contains an amazing amount of tips, techniques and general information but don't panic! I don't expect you to change things over night and become a healthy lifestyle master just by reading this beginners guide.

It's been crafted to get you started on a healthy lifestyle. Like the title says, it will provide a great starting point for someone who is looking to explore what a healthy lifestyle really entails. Don't worry though I won't leave you hanging! At the end of this guide, I will show you how you can get more advanced training on the topics I'm about to cover now.

Here's what not to do.
1               DON'T MAKE EXCUSES

Do you have excuses for not having a healthy lifestyle? At the beginning of every year many of you always set out to bring about big changes in your life. Often these changes will include things like losing weight, getting into shape, improving fitness. Alas often before even the end of January you fall off the wagon and find all the excuses you can for why you just can't do it.

It's so common to make excuses to just why you can't build a healthy lifestyle and as a former gym owner I've heard them all.

      It's just so difficult – yes it can be hard to put years of bad habits behind you, but the results will be worth every struggle.

      I'm ok at the moment - Maybe you are, but don't wait till things force you to change.

      I've never had a day sick in my life - Now then is the perfect time to focus on embracing healthy habits that will keep you feeling that way; do not wait until you're sick to live a healthy lifestyle

      My work schedule makes living a healthy lifestyle impossible - You can't put your work or your to-do-list before your personal health all the time.

      I'm not ready to make a change – there's never a right time to start, but surely its best to make the changes needed before ill health sets in.

      I find temptations are too great - Staying in bed instead of going to the gym can be tempting, as maybe that bar of chocolate is asking you to eat it. Then sleep in or eat that bar of chocolate. You've surely heard of the 80 -20 theory. Live that healthy lifestyle 80% of the time and you'll be doing ok as far as I'm concerned.

      What if it doesn't work out? Creating a healthy lifestyle is possible if you are committed and stay focused, and your health is too important to fail with this.

      I can eat, drink and live a lazy sedentary life and don't put on weight or seem to suffer with bad health - Not yet anyway. Doomsday may be just round the corner, so stop it before it does.

      A healthy lifestyle costs too much – I believe you'll find takeaways aren't cheap, nor is alcohol; chocolate and cakes aren't free and ill health can be incredibly expensive in many ways.

      I'm too old - It's never too late to take care of your health. And before you start, no matter how overweight, out of shape, inflexible, too flexible, old, young, or ailing body you may have, a healthy lifestyle will help you get fitter, healthier and happy with who you are.

I'm sure you can think of other excuses that you've used for not having a healthy lifestyle, but now this is the time where you're going to do it. No excuses will ever stand in the way of someone totally committed. After all ultimately we are talking about the difference between possibly life and death.

2               DON'T SMOKE

Smoking is the greatest single self-inflicted risk to health of all.

It causes things such as respiratory illness, coronary heart disease, cancer.

Your family's risks are increased two to three times if you smoke.

If you are pregnant you can damage your baby's chances of being healthy by smoking even before the baby is born.

Research shows that young children who have one or more parents who smoke are twice as likely to suffer with chest problems in their first year of life. They will have more chest, nose, ear and throat infections than children whose parents do not smoke. They are also more likely to take up smoking themselves later in life.

Smoking kills around 120,000 people prematurely in the UK every year - more than 13 people every hour. It is also responsible for many diseases, including cancers, heart disease and stroke.

I could go on and on about the dangers of smoking.

The only thing I cannot give you is a single benefit or good reason for smoking.

This is very simple, smoking is incredibly bad for you.

You want a healthy lifestyle you can't smoke, SIMPLE!

If you don't smoke, then don't start. If you do smoke you can lower your health risks by stopping. Talk to your doctor about medicines to help you quit or to find out about Nicotine Replacement Therapy.

The health benefits will start immediately once you quit smoking. Let's be clear here – To have a healthy lifestyle you can't smoke!

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