
make your partner want you more by allowing this two great point in your relationship

Make a Special Date Focused Only On Your Relationship High Points

Keep in mind the inclination you got about discussing when you initially met and remembering those emotions? This will reproduce that same feeling – or perhaps outperform it.

Make a date together and plan to invest that energy going to places that implied something okay to your relationship.

Assignment: If you have sufficient energy today at that point return to a few places that implied a comment like where you initially kissed. If you don’t have the time to go out then make a date to do it in the near future and instead focus on the places in your house together for today. Like the place where you first made love in the house or where you had some great moment of laughter and joy.

Remove Your Ego from the Relationship for the Day

•I’m right.

•It’s my way or the highway.

•But I’d rather do this...

•It should be done this way.

Anything that you find yourself saying on a normal basis...stop for a day. If you ALWAYS want the dishes done a certain way and feel as though there is no other way to do it – relax, take a breath, and let your partner do it their way for a day.

Give up your power for a day and just let it be.

You will find that you will experience two things from doing this.

First, you will allow your partner to feel as though they are not wrong in the way they do things that they are equal in the relationship.

Second, you will find that you will feel a sense of letting go that comes from living outside of your ego. You will feel less stressed and anxious and more relaxed and in the moment.

Assignment: Make today the day that you go with the flow. Don’t get upset or anxious if things are not done your way (the right way) but instead allow yourself to see things from a new point of view (your partner’s point of view).

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