
Taxicab Driver Who Turned To Notorious Armed Robber in Lagos Opens Up on His Evil Activities

A taxicab driver who drastically transformed into an outfitted burglar in Lagos has opened up on his criminal exercises and how he has threatened blameless individuals.

Men of the Nigeria Police Force

Mr Sunday Nwaba, a famous speculated equipped burglar, has described how he acted like a cabbie and burglarized numerous blameless individuals in Lagos and its environs.

P.M. Express reports that the suspect was captured by the agents of State Anti-Robbery Squad drove by CSP Ahmed Sanusi on a tip-off. He was paraded among different suspects by the Commissioner of Police, Mr Imohinmi Edgal at the Command central station, Ikeja, Lagos.

Nwaba uncovered that before he turned into a furnished thief, he was a staff of an assembling organization situated at Ikeja before he was laid off with nothing to clutch. He said he figured out how to purchase the auto he was driving as taxi however nearly got disappointed in light of the fact that he was profiting from the business.

He portrayed that his condition changed radically after a companion revealed to him how he could profit, by burglarizing travellers on board or offering data to thieves and getting his own particular offer after the arrangement.

Nwaba said he attempted it and it worked splendidly. He at that point needed to purchase the arms he required for the activity and proceeded until the point when he was captured as of late. He clarified that he burglarized alone and in some different cases gave data to different looters and will get his own offer after the operations.

At the point when made a request to uncover his objective territories, and Nwaba uncovered that he was utilizing inside Lagos particularly Ajah and lekki pivot and a few times outside Lagos relying upon the traveller and focus at a specific time.

P. M. Express reports that Nwaba met his Waterloo after he denied one of his female casualties, Mary Inedu and got away. Obscure to him, the casualty distinguished him and his taxi. She announced the burglary to the police who trailed him and in the end captured him.

Nwaba said he was as yet shocked how the casualty distinguished him since he had worked effectively and burglarized numerous casualties with no issue. He admitted that he has now understood that it doesn't pay to carry out wrongdoing, since one day the police will in the long run capture such suspects.

A police source said Nwaba will be charged to court after the finish of examinations.

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