
How to Keep Your Man and Keep Him Happy : Part 1

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Any Good Relationship Starts with Self…

Who wouldn’t want to keep their man in bliss while maintaining that strong, stomach-tingling bond inside and outside of the bedroom? We all do, of course!! If you want to keep your man and keep him happy then you must give him plenty of good reasons to stay 

1.      Love Yourself. If your own cup isn’t full of love, how can you successfully pour love into the cup of another? It is literally impossible to properly love and care for someone else when you do not love and care for yourself first. If you are seeking a mate to feel good about yourself or think a mate will help “fix” some aspect of your life, stop right now. Learn the real meaning of self-love and develop a strong relationship with YOU before seeking out a mate. However, if you are already in a relationship, it is never too late to begin this process. Your relationship will improve dramatically, trust me. 

2.      Keep Evolving. Of course you want to remain the beautiful woman he fell in love with but you don’t want to become boring. Expand who you are. Learn new things, try new things, and enhance the person that you are now. Your stock should be forever on the incline, honey. When you evolve and become an even greater version of yourself, he can fall in love with you over and over and over again.

3.      Let Go of Your Emotional Baggage. We all have pain from our childhood or past relationships but how can we expect to ever be successful with our men if we are putting the bullshit of another man onto their shoulders? That’s not fair. It is not his responsibility to fix what someone else did to you. If your father walked out on your mother, it doesn’t mean that John will and if Tim was a cheater, it doesn’t mean that Michael will be. You see what I am saying? Let the past be the past and let it go.

4.      Pay Attention to Your Looks. I am not saying you have to be Halle Berry but please, take pride in your appearance! In the beginning of your relationship, I am sure you always made sure you were looking “hot fire” because you valued his opinion of you and wanted his desire. Do you no longer want his affection and desire? Heck yes you do therefore beautifying for your man should never stop. Often men complain about their wives gaining a lot of weight or “never dressing up for him anymore”. I know that with age, childbirth, health issues, and the lack of time may cause our bodies to get out of shape but we can’t use these as excuses anymore. Never become so comfortable with your mate or complacent enough that you begin to neglect your beauty.

5.      Maintain a Flattering Wardrobe. He doesn’t want to come home to a woman dressed in a sweat suit and head scarf all of the time! Let him come home to a woman in some booty-hugging jeans, cute top, and heels that’s excited to see him. What man wouldn’t want to come home to that?

6.      Throw Away Those PJ’s. If you have those thick, unflattering flannel pajamas or oversized t-shirts then toss them out right now! Instead sleep in sexy nighties, lingerie, or perhaps sleep in nothing at all.

7.      Get Domestic. Every woman should know how to cook, clean, do laundry, iron, etc., and all of the things required to take care of home. Of course a man is always welcome to assist around the house, but you should know how to perform those domestic duties required in maintaining a clean and high-functioning household.8

8.      Know Your Body. If you are unaware of what excites and pleases your body, it will prove to be a very difficult task when trying to show your mate how to excite and please your body. If you don’t know; you can’t show. But I digress…

9.      Sexual Confidence. Most men do not want to make love to a woman that is unsure of herself sexually. They want a vixen in the bedroom that loves sex and knows what the hell she is doing! There is so much information out here to help you become a sex goddess. Even if you’ve already been labeled “good in bed”, there is always more to learn. Always.

10.  Study Him. Did you know that the male brain has a harder time processing the female voice versus the male voice? It’s a scientific fact that it is not his fault sometimes when he doesn’t hear you! We should know this kind of stuff along with other things like how men think, how to interpret their body language, why they call it a ‘fight’ when we call it a ‘disagreement’, all of that. This is not hard for a woman since our brains were so beautifully designed to absorb information found in his facial expressions, body language, and words all at once. With this knowledge, you will know what to say and do to your man to get any result you desire. Use this magic for good and not evil. All of this plus the tips in the rest of this book and you have one hot relationship!


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