GLUTEN : A mixture of flour and water was used as wallpaper glue for many years before modern paste
became available. . The binding and thickening effect of wheat and other gluten
(glue) containing grains is widely known within the food industry.. Pasta
(paste), bread, biscuits, pastry and cakes contain gluten..
studies prove that gluten protein adheres to the intestinal wall causing major
problems, such as celiac disease..
RED MEAT : Humans struggle to digest red meats
because our digestive systems are ten times more alkaline than carnivores,
which incidentally eat raw meat only. . Cooked meat can take days to
digest. Up to five pounds of undigested red meat can putrefy in our intestines,
weakening our immune system and feeding poisons into the body..
PARASITES : There are well over 100 different types of parasites and worms that can live in our bodies..
Some are microscopic in size, while others can be seen with the naked eye. .
These organisms are prolific in our environment, can be found in the food we
eat and possibly even inhaled. . If you have a parasite infestation you may
feel constantly agitated, tired, bloated, have swings of appetite, and
especially crave sugar..
DEAD FOOD : Processed and refined food products are virtually enzyme and nutrient dead. . They do not
provide you with the natural, living and life giving properties that real food
should. .
colors and artificial sweeteners found in processed, artificial, dead foods all
contribute to your toxic load, and require enzymes to break down, depleting
your energy reserves..
OTHER TOXINS : Pharmaceuticals, alcohol, tobacco, coffee, sugar, food additives, environmental
pollutants, household chemicals, mental and emotional stress, over-work and
fatigue all compound to create a toxic overload in your system, eventually
resulting in a deadly cocktail.. Cancer, heart disease and diabetes can all
stem from prolonged toxic overload of one form or another..
Not everybody achieves this amount of clearance, but 10-25 pounds (5-12kg) is the average result in the first 10 days. You can imagine the wonderful clear feeling you gain by removing this, including reductions in the following: acne, allergies, arthritis, asthma, back pain, bloating, boils, candida, cholesterol, constipa-tion, eczema, fatigue, intestinal gas, gout, headaches, heartburn, high blood pressure, indigestion, irritable bowel, lazy bowel, memory loss, mucous congestion, obesity, edema, palpitations, parasites, psoriasis, reflux, sinusitis, type 2 diabetes, weight gain and many more ailments.. The incidence of cancer, diabetes and heart disease are our biggest concern as these kill 66% of the population alone.. I believe these can be prevented, simply by removing any toxic build-up regularly..

The odd shapes and rubbery consistency of the build up that comes out of some people indicates that it has been lodged in the body for a lengthy period of time.. Smell is also an indication, since the nasty smell often disappears a few short days into the program.. Picture emailed to us by a customer. It only takes one small poisonous area of build-up to affect the health of the entire body.. Because the digestive system is the most complex and most delicate system in our entire body, the importance of keeping it clean and nourished should not be underestimated..
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