
keep your relationship alive by spending time pointing out positives things

Keep Your Relationship Alive By Spending Time Pointing out Positives Things in the Relationship

This is not about you or your partner but instead it’s about your relationship. This is putting the focus on the positives in the relationship. Pointing out what is working in the relationship is contrary to what we normally do which is point out the worst of the relationship.

You may find that one day of this will not be enough and it may start to become a weekly or monthly routine for you. I personally feel that this should be done at least once a week.

Not only will talking about why the relationship is good make you feel closer, but it will allow you to do more of the things that you find positive because you will realize the effect it has on your relationship.

Task: Sit down and spend some time discussing the things you think are really great about your relationship. Make sure you fully listen when your partner is talking so that you can really see how the relationship affects them in a positive way – and make sure that those positives stay around.

Talk about When You Met and Remember the Feelings That You Had During That Time

Reflecting on the moments of when you met will not only feel good but it will also bring back those early feelings of lust, infatuation, and desire.

Once you start to really discuss those early moments then you will experiences the feelings that you felt at that time and therefore you will start to feel the same way towards your partner as that time.

It’s true. After ten years of being with someone you can bring back some intense passion just by recollecting on the past.

It doesn’t matter how many times you do it either because those feelings will never change. Not unless you have a time machine to recreate a new feeling from the past. Those feelings are memories that are there for good and they are not going away!

Task: Talk about the first time you saw each other and what you were thinking and felt at that time.

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